Tag Archives: Health Effects

WHO EMF Project 2014 Progress Report – CDC Issues Precautionary Warnings

In May 1996, in response to growing public concern over possible health effects from exposure to an ever increasing number of EMF sources, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched an international project to assess the health and environmental effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields, which became known as the International EMF Project The […]

Lawsuit: US Superior Court Oks Expert Cell Phone Radiation Brain Tumor Testimony

A monumental decision in cell phone linked brain tumor cases is awaiting a Washington DC judge’s ruling. Thirteen court  cases are now cleared to proceed to trial as the judge has deemed peer-reviewed science is strong enough to merit going to trial over wireless brain cancer risk . 11/23/2015 CASE UPDATE: WSJ Reports Murray Cellphone Cancer […]

Former President of Microsoft Canada Advocates for Wireless Radiation Safety

The former longtime president of Microsoft Canada is now a leading advocate for wireless radiation safety. High tech leader Frank Clegg is co-founder and now CEO of a new non-profit organization, Canadians for Safe Technology (www.C4ST.org),– recently he talked about peer-reviewed scientific research ignored by Health Canada in their review of Safety Code 6.  The […]

No Surprise! FCC’s Inquiry Into Cell Phone Radiation Favors Wireless Corporations

The FCC has deemed when it comes to exposure to cell phone radiation your ears aren’t part of your body anymore. If we go back to June, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it was reviewing its rules on radiation exposure from cell phones.  The FCC’s current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits were set […]

Scientists Call on Canadian Government to Protect Public from Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

More than 50 scientists from 18 nations called on government to minimize the public’s exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless devices including cell and cordless phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters and baby monitors. Jul. 9, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — Today, fifty-two scientists from 18 nations who study the effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation submitted […]

Does CTIA Outsource Cell Phone Radiation Health Risk Propaganda to COAI Cellular Operators Association of India?

Lets look at the cronies the wireless industry wants consumers to believe are making creditable statements. The wireless industry is getting sloppy!  Clearly based on very illogical reasoning and weak argumentation  – their latest attempts to deceive the public have failed miserably since the CTIA has had to out-source it’s propaganda machine to affiliates in […]

Google Glass Radiation: Health Risk from Wearable Wireless SAR Levels Exceed Smartphones

The Google Glass emits more wireless radiation than most cell phones on the market, but unlike cell phone users, Glass users may be wearing this device on their heads for more than 12 hours a day putting their health at risk. Apr. 15, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — The Google Glass emits both Wi-Fi and […]

New Study Shows Brain Neurodegeneration from Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

On May 26, 2014 The Neurological Research Journal, an international, peer-reviewed journal for reporting both basic and clinical research in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroengineering and neurosciences published research proving cell phone radiation does cause brain damage. The current study led by Maheep Bhatnagar and colleagues in suggests long-term use of a cell phone […]

Facts about Cell Phone Radiation Hazards

Some facts you need to know about cell phone radiation hazards! Click Here for Full Video Galley on Cell Phone Radiation Hazards FACT: World Health Organization Warning Neurosurgeon Keith Black discusses concerns and precautions of cell phone radiation exposure after the World Health Organization’s panel of 31 scientists reported that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic” […]

Ho, Ho, No! Why iPads And iPhones Are Not Kids’ Toys – Phone Radiation Warning

Cell phones and iPads rank as the most-wanted gifts of the season among youngsters, with 65% placing these devices at the top of their wish lists, according to SodaHead.com, a discussion community with more than 10 million visitors a month. However, those clamoring to stuff their kids’ holiday stockings with the latest electronic gadgets would […]