Tag Archives: Non-Ionizing Radiation

Study:Proof Cell Phone Radiation Exacerbates Disease In Which Inflammation Is An Etiologic Factor

Millions of people around the world are becoming increasingly sensitive to radio frequency radiation;  often manifesting itself as pain and mild inflammation (Latin, īnflammō, “I ignite, set alight”) brought on through the complex biological response of vascular tissues as a result of harmful man-made stimuli — such as stressed or damaged cells from exposure to […]

CDC Avoids Panic Over Cell Phone Radiation Warnings – Protects Profits NOT People

The American people need to pay attention to blatant violations of ethics and corruption in government. Now, some are back stepping at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and an internal feud is building.  This isn’t just about an edit on the CDC’s website, it gets much deeper than that.  Absolute despotism […]

Slate.com’s Apocalyptical Writer Philip Plait Ushers In Death By Leaving Wireless Radiation Out Of Doomsday Scenario

Phil Plait writes Slate’s Bad Astronomy blog @BadAstronomer which amounts to very bad science as well.  This self proclaiming evangelizer of death, and author of Death From the Skies seems to cunningly look forward to your children dying of cancer like the devil himself disguised as a grim reaper. At least that’s the only way […]

CDC Becomes First U.S. Health Agency to Advise How to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation – Offers Bad Tip!

According to Microwave News, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —CDC— has become the first U.S. health agency to call for precaution in the use of cell phones.  Making them the first federal agency to acknowledge risk from cell phone radiation exposure! “Along with many organizations worldwide, we recommend caution in cell phone use,” […]

WHO EMF Project 2014 Progress Report – CDC Issues Precautionary Warnings

In May 1996, in response to growing public concern over possible health effects from exposure to an ever increasing number of EMF sources, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched an international project to assess the health and environmental effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields, which became known as the International EMF Project The […]

Former President of Microsoft Canada Advocates for Wireless Radiation Safety

The former longtime president of Microsoft Canada is now a leading advocate for wireless radiation safety. High tech leader Frank Clegg is co-founder and now CEO of a new non-profit organization, Canadians for Safe Technology (www.C4ST.org),– recently he talked about peer-reviewed scientific research ignored by Health Canada in their review of Safety Code 6.  The […]

Scientific Experts on Cellphone Radiation Demand Stronger FCC Safety Regulations

The FCC request for comments on a review of cellphone radiation regulations generated more than 950 submissions — most calling for stronger safety regulation.  Many cite research that finds the 18 yr old guidelines outdated, not applicable to woman and children, and more importantly dangerous to humans at under current acceptable FCC exposure levels.   […]

No Surprise! FCC’s Inquiry Into Cell Phone Radiation Favors Wireless Corporations

The FCC has deemed when it comes to exposure to cell phone radiation your ears aren’t part of your body anymore. If we go back to June, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it was reviewing its rules on radiation exposure from cell phones.  The FCC’s current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits were set […]

Consumer Reports Cell Phone Radiation Possibly Dangerous, Safe Levels Unknown

Consumer Reports is well known for its policies on editorial independence, since first being published in 1936 the organization has had no agenda other than the best interests of consumers. An article in the August 2014 issue of Consumer Reports on Health has put the consumers attention on “How to cut your exposure to cell-phone […]

Is Bluetooth Radiation as Dangerous as Cell Phone Radiation?

Is Bluetooth Radiation Dangerous? Bluetooth radiation has been even less studied than cell phone radiation. The lack of formal studies has enabled the ‘experts’ to claim that Bluetooth radiation is safe. This claim is based not on research proving Bluetooth radiation safe but rather on a lack of study proving it unsafe, which is changing […]