Tag Archives: Non-Ionizing Radiation

Ramon Rego, M.D., Can Cell Phone Radiation Slowly Kill You?

According to Ramon Rego, M.D., a doctor of internal medicine with more than 20 years of experience, cell phones may be slowly causing health problems in many users. Though cell phones are a fairly recent innovation, over 91 percent of adults across the world own one, with about 56 percent owning a smartphone, according to […]

Google Glass Radiation: Health Risk from Wearable Wireless SAR Levels Exceed Smartphones

The Google Glass emits more wireless radiation than most cell phones on the market, but unlike cell phone users, Glass users may be wearing this device on their heads for more than 12 hours a day putting their health at risk. Apr. 15, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — The Google Glass emits both Wi-Fi and […]

92% Sure: Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Potential Found in 76 of 80 Studies Peer Reviewed

BREAKING NEWS 4/20/14 Scientists find cell phone radiation exposure creates cellular imbalances known to cause cancer in 92% of peer reviewed studies on ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). RF Safe suggest precautionary measures to reduce excessive RF exposure even at athermic levels. According to RF Safe, Scientists confirm non-ionizing cell phone radiation and ionizing UV radiation […]

Ferrite Beads Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Health Hazards From Wired Hands-free Headsets

RF Safe has a simple clip-on device under $4.00 to reduce cell phone radiation from wired headsets that help people safely comply with laws in most states in America which require a headset or other hands-free device while driving and talking on a phone. RF Safe has posted on its website a list of states […]

ALARA Approach to providing protection from cell phone radiation

ALARA RF Safe Is The Future Of Safe Wireless Communication! In order to minimize the potential risks of biological effects associated with cell phone radiation, exposure limits and guidelines have been established. Even though there are exposure limits and administrative control levels, we strive to keep our radiation exposure well below these levels. The SCP […]

Why You Need Cell Phone Radiation Protection

Cell Phone Radiation Protection Editors Note: Mobile phone radiation and health The concept of measuring safe levels of cell phone radiation exposure using a specific absorption rate (SAR) has been around for many years, but recent developments have test methods in question by the FCC for public safety concerns. The thermal and non-thermal dividing line […]

Microwave Effects of Low Level Radiation on Genetic Material

Final Work, Assembly & Research; Geet Duggal Viewing Page 1 of 2 Pages Effects of Low Level Radiation on Genetic Material Foreward Site 1- Genetics and Radiation Physics Site 2 – The Microwave Effect The Microwave Effect History of theories Experiments Reconsidering the theories Site 3 – (Really Detailed Stuff) Supporting evidence at the cellular […]

Cell Phone Cancer Link: Two Studies Provide New Evidence

Cell Phone Cancer Link Cell phones didn’t really begin to happen until 1973. According to Wikipedia, during that year, a Motorola executive made an experimental phone call to Bell Labs — named after the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell (this is a shoutout, ya’ll) — using a handheld device. Although some may argue […]

New phone radiation study increased brain tumor risk for children

A shocking new cell phone radiation study conducted on adolescents and their cell phone usage asks the question, “Are children at increased risk of brain tumors already?” The conclusion of the study is even more shocking than the question because it implicates all children who use cell phones. Almost 3,000 children a year in the […]

Children and cell phone radiation warnings

It’s an all too familiar: children, some as young as 5 yrs old, spending an exorbitant amount of time being exposed to cell phone radiation. What may not be as familiar, and therefore go unnoticed, is the sight of children who are suffering and sick from cancer, specifically brain cancer. Australia has noticed and is […]