Tag Archives: Specific Absorption Rate

List of Lowest Radiation Cell Phones by Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Levels

RF Safe suggests consumers start with the lowest radiation cell phones to use with an air-tube headset and Anti-radiation case, pocket, or purse shield for the most prudent avoidance of cell phone radiation. RF SAFE SOLUTION: The SCP (Safe Cell Phone) System FCC Cellular Values: Head SAR | Body SAR | Hotspot  FCC Simultaneous: Head SAR | Body SAR | Hotspot Everyone knows that operating […]

Why Are Samsung Cell Phones Rated The Lowest Radiation Cell Phones?

Before we get started, it should be known that Samsungs newest design flip phone, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 SAR tested in Aug 2022, ranks among the lowest head SAR levels recorded for any smartphone. In fact, as for the year 2022, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 had the lowest SAR value for the head […]

Computer Generated RF EXPOSURE Models

These computer generated models shown below illustrate the effects of cell phone radiation. They were independently created by a Canadian university and a South African research company specializing in electromagnetic studies. The Applied Electromagnetics Group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada has developed computer […]

Modeling Specific Absorption Rate Distribution Of A Smartphone

Modeling The Specific Absorption Rate Distribution Of A Smartphone Source: ANSYS, Inc. SAR Smart Phone Model By ANSYS, Inc. This application models the specific absorption rate (SAR) distribution in a human head, heart, and body exposed to an electromagnetic field emitted from a handheld cellular phone operating in GSM (900 MHz and 1,800 MHz) and […]

iPhone SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Ratings

iPhones   Apple Iphone 3G North America   Frequency Band IC 1g SAR Limit (W/kg) Body Ear GSM 850 1.6 1.030 0.521 GSM 1900 1.6 0.522 1.290 UMTS II 11.66 0.402 1.388 UMTS V 1.6 0.733 0.733 Wi-Fi 1.6 0.088 0.779   Apple Iphone 3G Europe   Frequency Band IC 10g SAR Limit (W/kg) Europe […]

ALARA Approach to providing protection from cell phone radiation

ALARA RF Safe Is The Future Of Safe Wireless Communication! In order to minimize the potential risks of biological effects associated with cell phone radiation, exposure limits and guidelines have been established. Even though there are exposure limits and administrative control levels, we strive to keep our radiation exposure well below these levels. The SCP […]

Why You Need Cell Phone Radiation Protection

Cell Phone Radiation Protection Editors Note: Mobile phone radiation and health The concept of measuring safe levels of cell phone radiation exposure using a specific absorption rate (SAR) has been around for many years, but recent developments have test methods in question by the FCC for public safety concerns. The thermal and non-thermal dividing line […]

FACT: DNA Damage at below safe Cell Phone Radiation Levels

Readers are probably familiar with the idea of electrophoresis, although they may not know the term. The technique is used for DNA fingerprinting to determine paternity. In television documentaries we often see forensic scientists holding a small X-ray film with lines of bar-codes. These bars are the physical locations of the genetic material after the […]

New phone radiation study increased brain tumor risk for children

A shocking new cell phone radiation study conducted on adolescents and their cell phone usage asks the question, “Are children at increased risk of brain tumors already?” The conclusion of the study is even more shocking than the question because it implicates all children who use cell phones. Almost 3,000 children a year in the […]

Government reassessment of cell phone SAR testing

Reassessment of cell phone SAR levels testing Scientific research to date has not demonstrated adverse human health effects of exposure to radio-frequency (RF) energy from mobile phone use, but research is ongoing that may increase understanding of any possible effects. In addition, officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of […]