Tag Archives: cell phone children

New Study Shows Brain Neurodegeneration from Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

On May 26, 2014 The Neurological Research Journal, an international, peer-reviewed journal for reporting both basic and clinical research in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroengineering and neurosciences published research proving cell phone radiation does cause brain damage. The current study led by Maheep Bhatnagar and colleagues in suggests long-term use of a cell phone […]

Facts about Cell Phone Radiation Hazards

Some facts you need to know about cell phone radiation hazards! Click Here for Full Video Galley on Cell Phone Radiation Hazards FACT: World Health Organization Warning Neurosurgeon Keith Black discusses concerns and precautions of cell phone radiation exposure after the World Health Organization’s panel of 31 scientists reported that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic” […]

Risks to Baby’s Brain Development From Cell Phone Radiation

National Awareness Campaign Urges Pregnant Women To Take Simple Steps to Reduce Baby’s Exposure An international group of doctors and scientific experts is joining with non-profit organizations today to urge pregnant women to limit their exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones and other devices by taking simple steps to protect themselves and their unborn […]

British Doctors Open Letter 2014 Cell Phone Radiation Hazards

Abstract:   Open Letter by British  Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi and Mobile Phone Radiation There is now substantial evidence of a link between mobile phone use and brain cancer. This was recognised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)’s 30-strong panel of scientists, which in 2011 classed radio frequency radiation as […]

92% Sure: Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Potential Found in 76 of 80 Studies Peer Reviewed

BREAKING NEWS 4/20/14 Scientists find cell phone radiation exposure creates cellular imbalances known to cause cancer in 92% of peer reviewed studies on ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). RF Safe suggest precautionary measures to reduce excessive RF exposure even at athermic levels. According to RF Safe, Scientists confirm non-ionizing cell phone radiation and ionizing UV radiation […]

Brain Tumors – Does Cell Phone Radiation Cause Brain Cancer?

Brain Tumors are now the leading cancer that causes death in children and the rate adults are getting brain tumors on the same side of the head as their mobile is held now has many questioning cell phone radiation safety. Could cell phone radiation from towers, wifi and wireless hand-held devices be responsible for a […]

RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Shields Prevent Fetal Radiation Exposure

RF Safe cell phone radiation protection designed in fashionable pink intends to protect unborn babies from exposure to cell phone radiation. Cambridge, Massachusetts (PRWEB) January 06, 2014 According to RF Safe, women with cell phones today have much to worry about if two areas of women’s health turn out to be affected by cell phone […]

Dr. Oz: Keeping Your Cell Phone in Your Bra Can Cause Breast Cancer

In Response to Dr. Oz Dec, 6th Show on cell phone radiation causing breast cancer. RF Safe adds pink to the colors of their line of RF radiation shielded cell phone pouches for breast cancer awareness. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 15, 2013 Dr. Oz said women who keep their cell phones in their bras […]

Cell Phone Use In Children and Teens Translates To 5 Times Greater Increase In Brain Cancer

If today’s young people don’t reduce their use of wireless mobile devices, they may suffer an “epidemic” of the disease in later life. Research indicates children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones. At least nine out of ten 16-year-olds have their own handset, as do […]

Ho, Ho, No! Why iPads And iPhones Are Not Kids’ Toys – Phone Radiation Warning

Cell phones and iPads rank as the most-wanted gifts of the season among youngsters, with 65% placing these devices at the top of their wish lists, according to SodaHead.com, a discussion community with more than 10 million visitors a month. However, those clamoring to stuff their kids’ holiday stockings with the latest electronic gadgets would […]